Console Unit - Nordis

Console Unit

The NØRDIS Console Unit is an elegant and compact air conditioner that is perfect for both new buildings and renovation projects. It can be installed standing on the floor or wall-mounted, making it a great option for radiator replacement.

The unit is designed to provide efficient cooling and heating performance. It has dual airflow outlets that have a larger dimension to improve air volume. It operates quietly, with a specially optimized fan that reduces noise levels by 3 dB.

The NØRDIS Console Unit also takes care of indoor air quality, with a smart humid control system and an ion-generator that neutralizes pollutants in the air.

The unit can be easily controlled and accessed through the upgraded MSmartHome app on your smartphone.

The NØRDIS Console Unit is designed for easy installation and maintenance, with a new mounting plate, a removable front panel, and an easy-to-clean filter.

Enjoy a whole new level of comfort and convenience with the cutting-edge NØRDIS Console Unit.

*Prices are specified without installation works.


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