ORION - Nordis | a new generation air conditioner |


NØRDIS ORION is a new generation air conditioner. Split type inverter is dedicated for for cooling and heating mainly residential apartments and houses, but may be installed in offices too. NØRDIS ORION has built-in Wi-Fi module, plasma ionizer and second generation I FEEL function and many other innovative features that serves to the best comfort of the owner.

NØRDIS ORION is highly efficient and energy saving. It needs up to 50% less electricity to run and uses the energy in an efficient way by selecting the most suitable operating mode. It means means faster cooling and pricese room temperature for you. Also, it uses eco-friendly refigerant R32 and comes in a brand new fire-proof electric box.

  • NØRDIS ORION is equiped with High Density Filters to filter more dust and pollen from the air.
  • I FEEL gives intelligent temperature control where it is needed and provides a more comfortable environment.
  • Cold plasma air purifier kills the bacteria, microbes and other harmful particles.
  • Turbo cooling provides maximum airflow and performance for 30 minutes to rapidly cool a room. It also quickly cools down.
  • NØRDIS ORION provides a greater spread of air with Auto 3D Air Flow, when the air direction can be set left or right and up or down.
  • Special air duct design enables to provide long distance air supply – so that cool or hot air can reach far corners of the room.
  • Cooling operation from -10 to 50o For those, who have rural dwellings: +8oC function that allows to keep steady temperature.
  • Easier disassembly, which means faster maintenance, replacement of parts and washing.

*Prices are specified without installation works.


Cold Air Prevention


Turbo Button


Auto Restart

Intelligent Auto Restart

Auto Clean

LED Display

Intelligent Defrosting


Comfortable Sleep Curves

I Feel

Healthy Filters

Energy Saving

8°C Heating

WiFi Control

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